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Personal Info
Fist Name
Last Name
Professional Background
Do you have a MSc degree?
No, but I will obtain a MSc degree soon
Can you corroborate a sufficient language proficiency in English (cf. TOEFL test)?
I hereby declare that
I do not have a PhD yet
I hereby declare that
I have read and understood the details of the Recruitment Procedure
For which applications are you a candidate?
Maximum 3 positions can be applied for. Select in your order of preference:
First choice
DC1) Probabilistic robotic-perception for agriculture (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
DC2) Reliable sensing fusion framework for agricultural robots (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
DC3) Learning transferable skills for agricultural robots (Imec OnePlanet, Wageningen University, Netherlands)
DC4) Run-time self-diagnosis of field robots (Ingeniarius, Portugal)
DC5) Dynamic multi-sensor models for Agri-bots (CNRS, Université de Lorraine, France)
DC6) Network architecture for transfer learning and adaptation of robot behaviour (INRAe, University Clermont Auvergne, France)
DC7) Cognitive architecture for agricultural robots supporting anticipation (University of Extremadura, Spain)
DC8) Active perception and control with edge AI (Imec OnePlanet, Wageningen University, Netherlands)
DC9) Sensor fusion and robotic perception for agricultural robots (University of Extremadura, Spain)
DC10) Adaptive robotic/manually controlled vehicle coordination (Harper Adams University, United Kingdom)
DC11) Information theoretic based collaborative environment sensing for agriculture applications (Loughborough University, United Kingdom)
Second choice
DC1) Probabilistic robotic-perception for agriculture (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
DC2) Reliable sensing fusion framework for agricultural robots (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
DC3) Learning transferable skills for agricultural robots (Imec OnePlanet, Wageningen University, Netherlands)
DC4) Run-time self-diagnosis of field robots (Ingeniarius, Portugal)
DC5) Dynamic multi-sensor models for Agri-bots (CNRS, Université de Lorraine, France)
DC6) Network architecture for transfer learning and adaptation of robot behaviour (INRAe, University Clermont Auvergne, France)
DC7) Cognitive architecture for agricultural robots supporting anticipation (University of Extremadura, Spain)
DC8) Active perception and control with edge AI (Imec OnePlanet, Wageningen University, Netherlands)
DC9) Sensor fusion and robotic perception for agricultural robots (University of Extremadura, Spain)
DC10) Adaptive robotic/manually controlled vehicle coordination (Harper Adams University, United Kingdom)
DC11) Information theoretic based collaborative environment sensing for agriculture applications (Loughborough University, United Kingdom)
Third choice
DC1) Probabilistic robotic-perception for agriculture (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
DC2) Reliable sensing fusion framework for agricultural robots (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
DC3) Learning transferable skills for agricultural robots (Imec OnePlanet, Wageningen University, Netherlands)
DC4) Run-time self-diagnosis of field robots (Ingeniarius, Portugal)
DC5) Dynamic multi-sensor models for Agri-bots (CNRS, Université de Lorraine, France)
DC6) Network architecture for transfer learning and adaptation of robot behaviour (INRAe, University Clermont Auvergne, France)
DC7) Cognitive architecture for agricultural robots supporting anticipation (University of Extremadura, Spain)
DC8) Active perception and control with edge AI (Imec OnePlanet, Wageningen University, Netherlands)
DC9) Sensor fusion and robotic perception for agricultural robots (University of Extremadura, Spain)
DC10) Adaptive robotic/manually controlled vehicle coordination (Harper Adams University, United Kingdom)
DC11) Information theoretic based collaborative environment sensing for agriculture applications (Loughborough University, United Kingdom)
Supporting Documents
Upload your CV here, in Europass Format
Accepted file type: PDF. Maximum file size: 2 MB.
Upload your motivation letter
Accepted file type: PDF. Maximum file size: 2 MB.
Upload diploma and transcript of records (BSc and MSc)
Accepted file type: PDF. Maximum file size: 2 MB.
Upload language proficiency certificates (if available)
Accepted file type: PDF. Maximum file size: 2 MB.
Upload recommendation letters (if available)
Accepted file type: PDF. Maximum file size: 2 MB.
Reference Persons
First reference person's name
First reference person's position and institution
First reference person's email address
Second reference person's name
Second reference person's position and institution
Second reference person's email address
Additional Info
Other information for consideration (e.g., a list of publications if applicable)
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